

A letter to my Unborn Child

Dear Love,

My dearest love; the highest form of love ever to be achieved.
I want to receive you.
I want to give you existence but not yet a name.
For now, you fully justify the appellation "My Dearest Love".
I want to apprise you of my life; my chasmic journeys and my whimsical adventures.
You haven't the slightest clue of the oodles of emotion that echo through my depths when I think of you.
The reverberating endearment between us draw us closer and closer from the back of the beyond into this dimension.
My heart bursts of burgeoning love for you.
Bone of my bone.
Flesh of my flesh.
Oh! What joy it will be to carry you, for you to witness and be interwoven with my thoughts and my being for 9 months.
Who are you? Who will you be?
You're a melody that will add lyrical notes to my life.
We meet in poems and films; sometimes in dreams and other times in my imagination.
When you're finally here, I'll meet you in every heart beat.
I want you to know that I'll always be here, through the warm summers and the icy coldness of winter.
When the storms violently toss us and turn our lives around.
I'll be here when the tides change.
When I become annoyed at you, frustrated at you, displeased at my failures.
I'll still be here when you outgrow me, when you find it hard to tolerate me.
We will find a way to meet again, at our happy place like we are yet to meet in, within the depths of me.
I hope, deeply hope that you know that I've always longed for you.
I've always wished for you, just you.
Not to possess you but to keep you, to give you strong roots and the most beautiful wings to fly.
To fly into the expanse of this world but return to me, to water your roots, to share all you've seen.
Till then, I'll be a better me.
A better me than yesterday and tomorrow I'll be an even better me than today.
I await you, patiently.
Till then,
I love you.