

Pink Roses For Me
Okay maybe I want roses too
Not red but pink
Am a girl after all
Maybe I need to see myself receive roses too
But not red
Red to me not only means love but pain too
It's the colour of blood Afterall
So ,
Let's do pink roses for me
bse being a tint of red
It shows not only love but affection too
It shows that U respect me
It's a tint of red
Maybe a diluted red
So yes, pink roses for me mean theaz space for the pain to be healed
It means that despite the pain,
Thea can be joy too
Bse it's a diluted pain
And to me that means less pain
I want roses
Not red roses but pink
Show me that U understand me in the ways I try to understand myself too
So pink it shd be
If you're to ever get me roses
They should be pink

poem by nimbusfeels
© nimbus feels