Somewhere Building Castles pt. 2
I restart under a conscious decision,
yet somehow manage to be unpredictable
Still, I doubt every now and then
If I can let you know in advance,
I've been building my castles in Java
Many have suggested someplace else
Alas, in my conclusion, I lack so much of
hard materials and handy builders
Not a foreperson, I'm the same person
also doing most of the labour,
always making sure I've got this right footing
under a solid rock which cannot be moved
trusting there's no other place I'd rather be,
other than dwelling there safe and sound
Been unconfident, when the time will come
yet somehow manage to be unpredictable
Still, I doubt every now and then
If I can let you know in advance,
I've been building my castles in Java
Many have suggested someplace else
Alas, in my conclusion, I lack so much of
hard materials and handy builders
Not a foreperson, I'm the same person
also doing most of the labour,
always making sure I've got this right footing
under a solid rock which cannot be moved
trusting there's no other place I'd rather be,
other than dwelling there safe and sound
Been unconfident, when the time will come