

Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write a poem based on it.
there was a time when I couldn't make a decision about if doing what I was asked to take my mom off life support at the time I was going over and over in my head wtf was taking place it really didn't feel real but the shit got real when I was asked if I was ready it w as s like my whole world had stop looking at her lay im ng there not moving going back and forth looking to see if she was going to come out of it not taking my eyes off the monitor hoping the she will open her eyes so I don't have to make such a difficult decision that I was asked of that day on which was on Christmas day December 25, 2005 at 7:48a.m. that was the most crazy day in my life because right now still to this day I ask my self did I make the right decision....