

To be loved by two men is like having two scoops of Vanilla and strawberry ice cream,
A love that must not be heard of or spoken about,
Those darkest desires of your heart that are yet to be explored by the waiting hands of the liberated,
What if they were brothers, does it make it worse?
What's the worst that could happen?

Like a wanton struck by the touch of Aphrodite, she'll fold and bend to their will.
she's a thorn to some and a rose to others,
her parents faith would not hear of it,
the society would mock her,
If only she could turn a blind eye,
her desires would be different and called ugly,
She'll never be accepted,

She'd be loved by brothers who look upon her with adoration,
she'd get the love she was starved of,
sinister yet true,
she'd be cared for in all ways her parents didn't seem fit,
she'd be accepted for who she is, if not by the world by the two men at her feet.
A thorn in the flesh to her family, a rose to the brothers of unusual sin.

© Nehita Williams