

You couldn't say goodbye, but it's okay...
We have too much memories, so I can't be mad at you.

It's the middle of spring, but why does it feel like winter?
I love you so much, but why do you make me feel sad?

You've been through a lot before I came.
I know...you said you care about everyone
You said it's not our last time, but it still hurts.

I saw how you wrote ‘Sorry’ over 10 times while your beautiful smile slowly disappeared.
How could you not understand?
Your happiness is more important than this dramatic farewell.
Everything will be the same...I'll pray for you year after year.

Our color ring is shining in the sky
I don't feel empty anymore
Blue became my new lucky color
I don't feel sentimental anymore

I'll let all the sunflowers bloom for you
I'll tell all the stars to shine only for you
Just believe me when I say that you will never be forgotten.

It was a long trip and you need to rest now.
There was to much pressure,
I know, I have to let you go now.

When you feel lonely, come back to me,
So I can love you like I did when we first met.

There was someone next to you...
I am here next to you.
© fadedflower94