

The Truth Unknown
Write a poem about truth and if the truth that has been told to us can be trusted.

The kind that can move your consciousness, and make you feel conscious once again in this world full of concessions, and not the kind you eat at, I'm talkin the kind you sacrifice,
Just so the egg shells that you walk on everyday stay unbroken, so the status quo can stay the same.
Which is contempt with resentment and bitterness,
mix in unspoken angst toward your fellow man, just for living, just for being in the same world that you live in. Just because there's a small chance that one part of his life may be better than yours, you use that as an excuse to stay frozen, to not move, to not excel, or improve.
All because if you do there is a possibility that something in your life will be better than someone else, and if that happens what makes you better than someone else?
But I'm tired of tiptoeing,
I'm ready to break out,
I'm ready to achieve,
I'm ready to stomp my path, like the ones before me who made a difference.
They made a difference because they stopped being afraid of the fear, and the disappointment.
They finally stood up and said, I won't Stand down,
I won't sacrifice my true being, unless I'm sacrificing in calls that I believe in; for the power to move a people, for the chance to make a difference on a global scale, and not just inside the circle the people with whom your consciousness now dwells. Get out the way, because, once you do that, you're not you, you're not part of mankind anymore, and they will come for you, and they will get you.
But it's not about what they can do to you.
It's about what you can do, before the majority of the weak-minded conformity is able to convince the masses that you're not a stable authority.
What kind of change can you affect?
It's a rare ability few possess, and those who do, rarely act. When they do, and they act in the best interest of what's best for the progression, and our long-term global-standing, that we have not established yet, so when we do, how will we be seen?
Because for a democracy, if you look at it from an outside perspective, on a universal scale, we have no choice.
This is a dictatorship.
We're just too close to the problem to notice it.
An outside observer will see it in a split-second, and will what they see cause them to have a second opinion on whether they are ready to incorporate us into a larger scale of the galaxy, from the corner that we inhabit now.
At the same time, they've convinced us to teach each other that it's real.
They turn the illusion, they created, into the illusion that we create among ourselves.
They cultivate us like cattle. They ingrain these ideas into our society, they weave them in so well that at this point it just feels natural, it's easier to accept then question, it's easier to deny then believe, and for the ones that do see it, it's easier to stay hidden and say nothing, then to face the criticism and oppression of a society who is not ready to accept the fact that they are not actually in control of a single thing.
I honestly think at this point, if everyone found out, that what they see and believe is the con that has ever been pulled off, and that we are all responsible for running the con on ourselves.
If we pulled that blanket off, and showed everybody, they would crawl back in bed and ask to be covered up again, and that is sad.
We would rather be ignorant, and have a micron of false safety and security, rather to have true freedom of choice and mind, and people wonder why we advanced so fast and then came to a halt.
I truly believe, if society saw all the truth today, we would still live in the same world tomorrow.
That makes me scared.
what chance do my children have, when will we ever be free from the illusion.
It's been embedded into our DNA, in our history, in our fairy tales and folklore.
It's going to take an extreme event, but will we be ready?That's the question?

© WordHeavy