

I wasn't born with a silver spoon
I wasn't born with a silver spoon,
I had to accept my situation,
I wasnt exposed to a luxurious life,
I was exposed to a life of struggle,
I didn't have any credit cards,
I only had a debit card with no money in it ,
I didn't have any branded clothes or shoes,
I had to sell sweets to make some money,
The money I made was used to purchase a skirt,
I don't remember going any expensive restaurant,
I couldn't afford to eat at any expensive restaurant,
What other people considered the worst meal,
I considered that the best meal,
I didn't care about the quality of the clothes I wore,
What mattered was having clothes on.

My mother and father had to struggle so hard to put bread on the table,
They had to make sacrifices to ensure that I had stationery,
I went to school with an old uniform,
However that didn't stop me from attending school,
My situation at home motivated me to study hard and ace my exams,
I was so eager to make my parents proud,
The last thing I needed was to disappoint them after all their struggles,
Not being born with a silver spoon taught me to appreciate what my parents could afford,
I appreciated everything my parents did for me.

© Ruth Zambo