

Is it ever too much?
Someone who can numb my pain,
Someone who'll be the reason I smile.
The one whose tongue would roll my name perfectly.
The one who'll call me the way I want to be called.

Someone on who's tongue I'll never lose my name,
Who would hold me,
Pick me
And heal me.

The one who I won't tire from.
The reason I'll always look forward to each day.
A human who I can share my every secret with,
Whom I can tell my every story,
With whom I'll never be ashamed.

Someone who'll not hate me for my habits,
But support my every dream,
Share my special moments with me,
Watch the stars with me,
Stay with me,
Never away from me by heart.

Someone I'll love❤❤.... Is this too much to ask?
For you to just love every ounce of me... Is it too much a need?
Is it too much to just want to have all your love and you mine?

Is it ever too much?