

We may not know that we repeat our selves daily.The great history we make in this life is when we gain experience from one another for the life time we spend with each other .Memories stand to be tears if your heart broken and joy if you had a chance to move on with your partner in this life.Its quite confusing that you may not know when this story will end , challenges in it but then you give it a try because you may not be sure of if the person your dating is the right choice.It becomes illusional in that you sleep with a thousand questions of if your choice and decision are right.So many will come up to narrate how good your are and may not be suitable for your loved one ,but then words don't add up in it.Love is confusing and love is educative.It keeps you in a position where it wants you ,so soft heart ,humble because of fear to annoy ,gain conflicts but rather stay longer with best out comes.So many beautiful angles come in day by day and the fact is men will stand to appreciate even those that have got partners,no wonder one forgets about you who is at home in just seconds gets fun with a new person and realised how good it is to leave a hit and run relationship.If you stand to understand love it can make you crazy because it's never balanced though love is real and true that's why we exist ,our parents through love gave birth to us indeed it's a true HEPOC.

Bataala Joseph
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