


The new city sending a chill down my spine,
The roads seems so distant and new,
So unwelcoming and stagnant,
With not a friend in sight,
The house in this new city,
Nothing compared to my home,
With it's walls all empty,
Windows closing in,
The door feels like a means of locking in,
The new work space,
All shiny and new,
Tech at it's finest,
Yet not a familiar face in sight,
My voice echoing in this new deserted city,
Standing at a crossroad,
I do not know where to escape,
The reality sitting in,
The feeling of being lost has finally caught up,
The smiling faces of my family,
Hung on the walls but not in my eyes,
The white ceilings appearing all the same as the vast sky,
For even the loveliest of sunsets seem unwelcoming,
My willpower wobbling,
Finding myself lost in the new city,
All my thoughts run towards my home,
Maybe this feeling will be temporary,
But how can I find a permanent fix to a temporary problem?

© Pakhi Gupta