

Be the One
Don’t beat yourself up,
Don’t beat yourself up when there is a change,
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts the change.

Don’t get away,
Don’t get away from the people who argue with you,
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts and understands their point of view.

Don’t force them,
Don’t force them to change,
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts that you can't change everyone.

Don’t worry,
Don’t worry about the situations that you can't control
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts that you can't control every situation

Don’t turn back,
Don’t turn back, when you're low,
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts that no one is perfect.

Don’t face down,
Don’t face down, when the world is mean to you,
Be the one who accepts,
Be the one who accepts that you can't persuade everyone and you should just love yourself

© Riya P

#Acceptance #Betheone