

my journey continues
there is no manual that said life will be easy, along the way we come across storms, loss of a loved one, heartache, betrayals,suffering, poverty and so much more...

what is fascinating about being human is that no matter how hard the journey is,

we all share common instincts, somehow we all have that voice that keeps whispering in our ears, telling us to try again , for some it takes ages for them to answer that call,some trust the process and rely on destiny, others give up and accept failure as their fate ,but some are courageous enough to stand up as muddy as they are and try again, it doesn't matter how many times you've fallen, whats important is how you got up and took charge of your life..

we are indeed a rare breed , we are full of hope, we keep hoping for a better tomorrow...

when and how is always a mystery, whether you are a believer or a non believer when you reach rock bottom faith is all that you have, you keep hoping praying to be rescued...

guess thats the thing about mother earth it humbles the arrogant and delivers the oppressed one way or another..

we fall but we get up and the journey continues, we cant always rely on destiny we make our own..

I might be down and out for today but tomorrow Mark's a new beginning, a new chapter, a chance to be better than the person I was yesterday..

_my journey continues
© Nontetho_Mtembu