

These eyes
I fell in love with this boy!
He tells me you look pretty and i blush as i look at him with pity,
he tells me your eyes are a story
of beauty embolded.
I tell him you don't know what these eyes have seen and where they've been.
These eyes have have looked death in the eye and told it that it wasn't my time.
These eyes have seen the woman who raised me, shoved with a knife up her throat,
these eyes have seen hundreds of bodies dead and hundreds of graves buried without coffins,
these eyes have seen my clothes ripped of by a monster.
He took what was mine like he was it's master.
These eyes they been pointed a gun to ,
put right straight to my pupil
these eyes they've seen the feeling of being high and jumping off bridges into oceans.
These eyes have seen pain and hate in vain.
I tell him these eyes they are the beauty of ashes, seen bad things but they are hoping for something.
These eyes can't erase their stories but they are hoping that one day they will see love, one day they will see peace, one-day they will see something different.
My eyes are the canvas where life has written it's stories and i can't erase the nostalgia because i am it's author.

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© Alesi Giorgette