

Whispers Of Nature
In a quiet forest glade, whispers of nature unfold,
A symphony of secrets, by trees and creatures told.
The breeze gently murmurs its sweet serenade,
As leaves rustle softly, their song never fades.

The brook cascades with a soothing lullaby,
As it meanders through the meadow, flowing by.
Birds flutter their wings, creating a melodic tune,
Harmony in their chirping, beneath the crescent moon.

The flowers sway gracefully, in a whimsical dance,
Their petals like painters, embracing each chance,
To bloom in vibrant colors, a kaleidoscope of delight,
Guided by the whispers, of the warm sun's light.

Butterflies flutter, like fragile dreams in the air,
Their delicate beauty, beyond compare.
They flit from bloom to bloom, in a sweet embrace,
Nature's paintbrush strokes, adorned with grace.

Whispers of nature, speak of harmony profound,
Of interconnectedness, in this world we've found,
Each whisper a reminder, of our place in the grand design,
To treasure and protect, for future generations to find.

So let us listen closely, to nature's gentle song,
And learn from its wisdom, all the day long.
For in these whispers, lies a truth so pure,
Of a world that's rooted, in love to endure.
© Keegan.Mosby1