

Mists of Antiquity
So slender...Tender...
Immensely fragile...
Wondering solitarily..a disguise..
In glittering..scintillating..cherishing Smiles..
Sophisticated Excellency..
Extraordinary elegance.....
A vineyardearly design..so fine...
Enlightens..The very essence of her soul...
O Harmonious Precious!!!....
Legend of Time..in infinite vastness...
Resigned...did he...
Just like a struggling toddler....
with galloping thoughts...crawls and fall...
While..a silent spectator was SHE...
Triggered in expectations...
..so marvelous..an achievement...
Alas!!!...an eyesore...decaying in ruins...
Such was the betraying mists of antiquity...
Destroying her existence..
Before the wheels of her life....
Spinned faster than time....
© SanghamitraDevi