

A plea for worth
In the mirror, a reflection stares,
A hollow shell of what once was there.
I see myself with people who once cared,
But now I see no one, only empty air.

Their absence echoes through my mind,
A haunting reminder of my perceived unworthiness left behind.
In the depth of my soul, I feel pain and loneliness,
But I'll be fine, I'll wear a mask of strength, I'll repress.

Afraid to say how I feel, I hide,
Don't want to lose the little that's left inside.
The fear of abandonment grips tight,
Silencing my voice in the dark of night.

I feel worthless, lost, and alone,
Someone, please show me I'm worth something, make me whole.
A gentle touch, a listening ear,
A reminder that I'm still worthy, still dear.

© Rukie vert