

A walk on a beach
A walk on a beach,
Both, on your bare feet,
So close and within reach,
A conversation brief but sweet,
amidst the dusk with foggy atmosphere
the cold breeze touching your body and soul
the small glimpse of light a little away
the snacks and stalls and the hustle all around
yet calm and soothing from inside
the soft blow of winds caressing you
removing all the stains and burdens from your heart
the whispers of the high and low tides
makes the human mind go insane
the dark sky with the bright moon trying to sneak peek
and getting jealous of our togetherness
Making irritated and frustrated faces with the wait for someone special on the face
moon too trying hard to hide its feelings
The sand bed touching our feet drains
all the strain and stress from body
the foot prints on the sand reminds of all the childhood memories
when it gets washed away with water waves
shows how immortal the world is
though the mind is calm yet thoughts keep coming silently to create a tickle in the stomach, shiver on the body
and the beach reminds how endless the water is and how much depth it has
yet peaceful and calm
this gives the greatest lesson of life just by existing
remembering the cozy evening walk on a beach
with someone special somewhere at some time...

© Dibyashree