

Polished stone-black ink,
kissing the white paper to sink.
there's no verdict margin
in this crypt of colorless script
till my death to your breath.

Evading people in the forefront,
but after their demise,
weeping towards the portraits,
like the mousy willow tree
kneeling by the gale key.

If our crave swirled a day
when you straddle alone
in our fairy tale.

Write my name on a black page,
gaze till the tears fall with a rage.

Let my name fill your blank space
on your layer with our embrace.

Love hard, Feel hard
without edge till you die


"The Lacuna is your name
till you frame your game"

Lacuna - Black Space

For more Poems: #KevinLines
#Philosophy #Love #Heartbreak
#Reality #Life