

Bleeding Dreams
The sky was turning greyer and darker.
Not anymore like the blue faded pink skies
of summer and happiness.
But of sorrow and pain...
She, lying on the grounds of great wars,
Looked at the sky, accepting her fate of death.
Pain, not from the wounds or injuries the wars had made
But from the heart,
The pain of the broken dreams and hopes...
She's bleeding,
Not from the bruises the war had made
But from the soul, which is now shattered.
She closed her eyes,
wishing this pain to never happen to anyone.
But my child...
It's a war of blood, tears and revenge.
It is going to happen and it is happening...
Rest in Peace.

© anotherdeadpoet

(In honour of the innocent lives lost in wars, may their memory be a call for a world where peace protects the vulnerable.)