

I am completely at ease, with your varying degrees of external falsities
just as I've always been
and I think you're aware that the light gets brighter in the space
where your heart met mine,in my mind,
enough to guide the darker realities down where there is no time, down deep and hidden,


a memory of a love,
more equal to the sublime,

than that with which your stupid sickness leaves dumb and blind.
Shining there,
in a beauty I alone retain,

obliterated only by the sound of your name.

silently, blissfully there,
whispers of a place in eternity where exists only damning lust, and though
my heart heard not,
still you scream on,I know.
somewhere down below, I feel the wrath of you,
in a rage that will never hurt me again,
I remain,
forever locked in a sweet memory,where we both, fall in love over and over again

and I'm sorry,
you are sure to be disgusted,

bc I'm smiling , at my own inability to be trusted,
to ever let you harm me, in any way, ever again