

Philosophers stone
The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent. Write a poem about it.

Your dead serious
elixir of awakened love,
as wisdom waking up
galivanting through
a knowledge so warm,
it swarms peoples dopamine
a fruitful text, of hydration and replenishment.

such a message
so intimate
made my chemicals stir crazy
for cuddling.
a closeness so
unfeigned, pervervid
and hot blooded,
it's a super human all on its own,
it carries tales of deep unaided loneliness,
measured by amounts of times, you reached your hand out, for someone to notice.
just once.
just once,
then over and over,
deprived of a sugar salt,
so nutrient hardy,
esatiating your weakness.

My soul is ravenous,
for this past to rewrite itself,
with drops of taste,
currents of flowing,
stares of affection, gracefully seeping into my hearts movement, the walls of my apex and through the veins of my blood, creating each cell, it's own blood supply.

How much life your
love transposed to my being,
from octaves of joyous hope to my dismemberment of cadence, my clogging of the pulse, fixated on vibrational intoxication.

Vital your hand
so soft
is to hold,
that wisks away my porous scars, of battles plucked from the severance of love,
a care, so defiled, packaged with hubris, not mended by rebirth, or deep, polite caress.

your reply to my need of just one word from you
holds my pain in a lingering,
I hold till infinity takes hold, to feel longer, the weight of your isolation,
it soars toward absolution of your quiet rumination,
slowly retreating towards saged home, safe places abound.

Truly cold, I, of undeserving to know what carries you above the clouds you softly curate in the blues of your eyes,
handing me the grip of my own lies,
only to inpune on such lessons I should derive from.

Your absence
is not even here anymore,
only in me,
you left not energy to be felt
from your turning towards an abyss of fire light and dreamy, foreboding or heart talking manifestation,
your replies, of nothing left to be desired.
I lose myself in sheer consumption of your love bite, in change, in grandiose
magical flight, a buoyancy, I may cry into teal colored tissues, with a nasty over bite.

Blood seeps from my invisible core, as I wither in and out of invisible life source, to your radiant coastal shores, with driftwood, drifting more in love with a loss, than a goodbye of emotional lashings and mind sores.

I miss you,

all I long to hear,

is that I did so little,
to make use of a year,
and stay put in your hearts hope of gathering no painful tears ever to smear the soft skin on your high cheekbones.

I've never been so alone.