

I posted the certified white boy background for a reason it's because I'm white I stress this point not because I'm actually proud or I receive white privilege but because I know I'll be judged you see whether I'm proud to be white or not which I'm not I'm still considered a racist a fucking skinhead if I shave my head or because I Rock my heritage star's and bars because I'm from the south so I'm proud but still I get labeled because some no account stupid mother fucking excuse for the white race I'll never believe for a second thinks that there fucking superior over any other skin color their really just ignorant gonna say it white trash claiming perfection white privilege deserving more than another took the rebel flag and flew it high in the sky on the back of their truck's while killing and torturing black people for no reason now if I represent I'm a fucking racist that's racist I don't think anyone is better than anyone else regardless of skin color but if I say something or display it I'm a fucking racist but blacks have BLM and black history month gay's and lesbians have their gay pride and I'm not judging or hating but I sometimes for no reason have to run and hide because if I for any reason stand up and stand proud for myself and my race even if it's something I believe in I'm a racist but whatever my only point is this no one owes anyone anything you only owe yourself ignorance and hate will always be here get the fuck over it let's all go have a beer the government is fucking us all pointing the finger making us all want to kill each other but if you were on your death bed would you really choose death if the blood that would save your life come from another color
© Jeffry Horan