Note : To be honest we all are priceless 😛
"Why were you even born"
"Just to make us suffer"
"You really deserve to be alone"
Tired of hearing every word you utter!
"Why do you always cry ??"
"Why dont you back off !?"
"Do you even really try !?"
Forgive me for not being good enough!
"You are a true burden"
"What will you do with your life !?"
"Dont act like you are broken"
So are you saying me to pick the knife ?
"we knew it...
"Why were you even born"
"Just to make us suffer"
"You really deserve to be alone"
Tired of hearing every word you utter!
"Why do you always cry ??"
"Why dont you back off !?"
"Do you even really try !?"
Forgive me for not being good enough!
"You are a true burden"
"What will you do with your life !?"
"Dont act like you are broken"
So are you saying me to pick the knife ?
"we knew it...