

tread not on that way with them
refrain your foot from their path

Run away from the emptiness of their desires
dismiss their desperate sordidness
light up their weary paths
and keep breeding the truth

Sarong them in earnestness
shun worldly appellations
for those invitations are but bold distractions
that extinguish the Grace of eternal life

Gallop towards the road not taken
yes, this other path
else be sagged with the load of regrets

Slither into them
the golden words
so they repent
as showers of blessings
grace their after-lives

Do not dawdle away
the hours of your youth
in vain
pursue HIM whose life
was nefariously clenched for you

Abide and hunger for HIM,
whose Grace registers life in us
in a galore of divine miracles,
hope and bliss

Dangle your way through that path
endure the hurts, criticisms,
blisters and rejections
adhere solely to the lone voice
quacking in the wilderness

crave knowledge
sprint away from everything
that pulls you into the dragnet
of destruction
so you don't grope in darkness
like a blind bat

Be guided
as you tread on the path
our Savior trod
be the light that consumes
and outsmarts evil...

© Enoh Eyong Ernest