

I'm so tired
As if you even care or cared.
Sit here and say I'm the selfish one.
I'm the one who doesn't care how things affect others.

Yet here you are just caring about yourselves.
You dont care your actions have hurt so many people.
Not even once but multiple times.

Is it the fact that I've finally done something I actually want to do that makes me selfish and not care how it affects everyone around me?!

You know it's okay for all the times I cared and care for you guys.
When I keep myself unhappy just to make everyone around me happy.
How I constantly do things I don't want to just for your guys happiness.

Yet here I am trying to stay alive.
Trying not to go to the other side that they say is heaven.
So yes, I am going to do what I need to do to make myself happy for once instead of doing things that will make you guys happy.

Why is it your right to be happy but not mine? Why cant I try to survive and be happy?

The selfishness in all that you guys do then get mad when I decide to be selfish. Yet at the same time I'm not being selfish. Because I decided to find something to keep me alive.

Selfish would be leaving all behind and moving onto heaven thats supposed to be a luxury hotel. At this point that luxury hotel sounds better then this dump of a life.

So call me selfish again. See if I don't show you the true definition of selfish. See how I truely dont give a shit about how things affect others. I dare you all.

© BearlyRaquel