

Finding you
'Life is a journey' they say , but I feel life is a journey via train;
For it's slow but keeps moving irrespective of whether it is too sunny or it rains .
Like train, we meet new people in life too,
Some stay , some say goodbye, hey but that's how I found you .

I don't know how I got to know you but I am so happy that I did ,
You are such a nice person , here is a poem for you to read .
I don't know how we matched so much, that's what does surprise me;
And you are so beautiful , as pretty as a beautiful dream.

You are so hardworking, and awesome is your personality;
Nice, caring, with softness and maturity.
Maybe many people have told you these ,
Still I hope this would make you please .

There's so much more to write about you even though it's not long since we talk,
But let's just wish , we meet at a Momo shop and listen each other talk.