

Digital Love
pixels and screens, love finds its place,
Virtual whispers, a digital grace.
Emojis speak volumes, emotions unfold,
Through texts and likes, stories are told.

timelines and feeds, connections entwine,
Heartbeats in messages, a modern design.
Swipe left, swipe right, a dance of chance,
In algorithms, love finds its advance.

Through filters and captions, truth may be veiled, Yet love persists, its essence unveiled.
From pixels to moments, love transcends,
A digital saga, where connection never ends.

In screens aglow, where profiles align,
Swipe and scroll, where hearts intertwine.
But behind the filters, reality's breath,
Love finds its rhythm, defying the depth.

Through messages typed and pixels arrayed,
Connection in bits, a modern-day trade.
Yet amidst the digital haze and disguise,
Authenticity lingers, love never denies.

memes and emojis, expressions conveyed,
Ephemeral moments, in timelines laid.
Through memes and emojis, expressions conveyed, Love’s essence persists, never to fade.From pixels to passion, a journey unfolds,Through cyberspace,

where emotions are scrolled.In the dance of algorithms, and virtual might,
Love's timeless heartbeat, in every byte.
life persists in Digital Love..........
© @David_vs_a_word