

The words resonate like the sound of a bird.
The vision is redacted like a document; words blurred.
The lack of sight ensues, everything absurd.
The unity is forgotten; we are separated.
The separation leads to dark initiations.
The new initiates, born in deceit.
The soul accumulates deep truth they seek.
The massive awakening of the generation that sleeps.
The awoke beings make sure your discernment sees.
The spiritual dwellings in human form; it's the reform.
The reform of the prosperous nation that will lead the planet.
The desperation of the darkness will end; we demand it.
The integrity of change, sweeping the universe in omnipresence.
The eruption of change inevitably engulfs your essence.
The deep-seated missions to lead with grace and reverence.
The need to see in this moment, remembering your atonement.
The oath your spirit remembers; feel shivers flowing like rivers.
The excitement delivers, and your vessel quivers; you're a believer.
The Almighty knighted your authority within; it's your cue to win.
The strength withheld through incarnations comes rushing in.
The rush, like hurricane winds, is time-warping; it bends.
The portal opens as you utilize your natural leyline.
The bend folds space and time, and the opened portal shines.
The choice of your purpose, you realize through real eyes.
The evolution your spirit descended remembers the ascension.
The remembrance of home isn't a figment in your mind.
The memory has always been true, and we need you.
The vault is locked, and you're the key of humanity.
The acts of valor demonstrated, promising release of insanity.
The slivers of seconds pass; the moment ever-lasts.
The perfection sets in, and your fear evaporates.
God willing, collaborates; this is why you reincarnate.
The moment is now; this is the time to shine your light.
The perception burns hot as you inherit the template.
The new resurrected spirit rises from the hollowed gates.
The determination leads you to this phoenix’s fate.
The ashes turn to gold and the abundance of truth bold.
There you are, arisen; the embodiment of you, chosen to lead.
There you are, the dweller in human form, turned inside out.
There you are, without a doubt; the spirit rings aloud.
There you are, leading us out of deception and corruption.
There you are, the savior of the souls they wager.
There you are, defeating oblivion; connecting the void.
The creativeness you deploy, the vast you employ.
Now here, through the portal, you’ve brought us through.
Now here, the flavor of truth savor; you remember the savior.
Now here, your hopes of attainment, no longer dwelling.
Now here, what always had been dwelling inside dispelling.
Now here, the way-shower you have been to many.
Now here, the souls that are your family and eternal company.
Now here, the resonance of a bird that sang a song.
Now here, the longing of a place to call home, to belong.
Now here, is the conquering love that changed the perception.
Now here, is the only thing that is love; is you; is perfection.
Now here, is the grace and glory of God’s Golden dimension.
Now here, the Holy Spirit that sought the 1-99; the black sheep.
Now here, the voice of love who speaks, awaking the sleep.
Now here, the presence that walked with you every mile.
Now here, the Essenes who keep time on a Maya dial.
Now here, the miracles that send your senses on a speyeral.
Now here, the creativity by definition, connecting the astray.
Now here, is the eradication by transforming the dark.
Now here, your flame ignited by a divine spark that built an ark.
Now here, the ground beneath fits like an Angel's sword to sheath.
Now here, your golden energy finding its inner chi, or salt to sea.
Now here, is your opportunity to be the most authentic you and me, for the rest of eternity.
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