

hardships of life
I am fighting with failures everyday,
Whenever I think about quitting,
I tell myself that I am already Halfway.
Success cannot be achieved overnight,
I have to face the Hardships It may Hide.
I do not have anything to say,
Just Hoping to find a right way.
Life would give a lot of bumps and stains,
That can make you forever loose the game.
Only thing which makes me strong,
Is When I keep going all day long.
There is nothing better than life of success,
I would reach there soon I Progress.
Life seems hard and it is true,
But thats the only way to go through.
There is no way back,
Just to go ahead of the track.
Success cannot be achieved overnight,
I have to face the Hardships It may Hide.

- Ansh
It was great writing the words which displays the Journey of Hardships in Life. Let me know how you feel in the comments.

#WritcoPoemPrompt75 #writco #poetry #inspiration #hardships

© @artist.ansh