

A Beautiful fiction

The night is lonely
Thus, it's shedding tears
in your name,
as I hold a photograph
and I look at you,
My eyes fantasize us
in another beautiful paradise
where you will be my
beautiful queen marching
all over the beautiful palace
your presence made you
the talk of the town.
Thus, when I walked anywhere
I saw people talking
about you ,
The moment everyone took
your name,
I saw them smiling
all the time,
as they already know you from before,
like there was no tomorrow
made by god
I realise this with a heavy heart
that you can't be
my happy life,
as you were already the light
in someone's dark life.

My hands could
feel all of its desire
which I always dreamt together
when I looked at your
flamboyant glimpse,
but the reality gave
me an absolute honor
making me feel like
I'm suffocating to death
when my brain was
already mourning
in your loss
But then, I didn't give up
I tried like a warrior
each and every day,
but I was not a good
child in the books
of beautiful destiny,
so I decided,
to paint you in my
beautiful canvas.

My painting was a silent
poetry meant for
in the form of my pain,
so I could still love you
in fiction of my
beautiful fairytale
where you will be my
only historical figure,
my heart is blushing
right now,
as he would welcome you
with his open arms,
Our togetherness will be meant to
have a special place
in the history of beautiful
where everyone will know
our names
where Romeo and Juliet
will be back again
making the love float
in beautiful constellation
of fathomable galaxies.

© Peter_writes