

Rise! O holy Phoenix, Rise!
Rise from thine ashes, which have a story to tell
A tale so gloomy, that embarrassed would feel even the Hell!

Rise! O holy Phoenix, Rise again
& slay those wicked creatures
who've tried to tarnish your serenity

Spare None- for they shall be burnt in Hell
for their vicious acts
Their deeds, judged by the Satan himself.
For they're too lecherous to stand in front of HER
& there's no place in heaven for cur

Besmirch their persona, Reveal the Truth
Of all the sins they've committed in youth
End their atrocious cruelties, O Phoenix
Quench your long-awaited Thirst!
Bring back tranquility!
Bring the natural instinct
For those who mock at you
Must know you're not a warmonger,
but the Harbinger of Equality!
#WeshouldallbeFeminists #Equalityforall #Poetry
#philosophical #thoughts

©Anant Bisht @Anant