

the winters journey part 3

I say you crows come gather round
And speak to me with sound
My loneliness is far too much
I should be underground.

I feel I want to write a note
Divulging all my heart
But at that point my foot gave way
I fell, my wretched part

I play in this such barren world
I need to be a ghost
And find my way to heaven, if
I'm welcomed by the host.

But maybe as I slipped on ice
The reason was sustained
Into the morning twilight, as
I thought of what I'd gained.

Some knowledge and experience
I thought I had acquired
And not delusion I knew that
No sickness had conspired

To sicken me as I plunged on
And over fence went I
I landed with the strength of king
And thought I will not die.

I towered over leaf brought down
I launched my eye above
Then suddenly a mood took hold
Once more I yearned for love.

Such high esteem had vanished quite
I saw a distant town
My own had wandered over hill
My mind began to drown

The thoughts like pulses sent a noise
To make me weep aloud
I felt the urge to climb a bridge
And looked down at a cloud

Reflections everywhere and what
A thirst stuck in my throat
I looked down at my image and
The water had no boat

Then down I came on other side
The town I saw grew near
Some starlings ventured through the air
The sight was so far clear

I came to this small town which lay
Beyond those empty fields
I sought a place to rest my head
Some roof my body shields.

The snow by now had ceased to fall
And blue was there beyond
My eye was drifting through the clouds
Of which I am so fond.

I had some several coins on me
I rattled them at an Inn
And luckily I had enough
For my rest to begin.

I must have slept so many hours
As I began to stir
I saw that my whole room was black
I heard a moggy purr.
I'd always loved those animals
Which are so elegant
I stroked its back then up I got
The day came and it went.

So nightfall was again my time
As I stepped out the door
I looked back at the turquoise cat
It limped away , it's paw

Appeared to be wounded I shed
A tear as it went on
Such sensitivity was mine
Some things I think upon

And down the tears would fall like rain
Compassion was my soul
The town was left to struggle on
Despair was a black hole.

You might ask where go I this season
You might question me
The truth is I am broken
And my spirit is not free.

She broke my heart that night and I
Just needed to depart
I walked and walked until I saw
A woman with a wart.

I said good day she said the same
I urged myself to speak
She was not unattractive
Would she love me? Kiss my cheek

Or maybe more perhaps in bed
I could feel her warm frame
But all was lost she disappeared
And all was now the same.

The same story of my whole life
So near and yet so far
I worried that my future would
Be black as any tar.

But such a thought I vanquished and
I saw an old man smoking
I passed the haze around his head
And stopped myself from choking.

He had a scarf with snowmen on
My memories came forth
Idyllic days with my mother
She alone knew all my worth.

I know not what to say as I
Put down my writing book
Maybe someone will take pleasure
In having a brief look.

I leave my book by sycamore
Such little book it is
A tear has marked the cover
And I gave the smear a kiss.

At least my great affection was
Not absent from my heart
It all felt for my very soul
A new journey I start.

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