

Canopy Of Clouds
I can spend hours admiring them
The clouds sailing across this hilly terrain
The cottony, fleece-like clouds rising ahead of me
The clouds darkening into huge clusters
That transform into a drizzle and then...a heavy downpour
The hills and the colourful houses on their slopes
Hide in the mist...
Quite alike
The pent up emotions accumulating inside
The woes, the aches, the resentments crave for an outlet
When we as humans suppressed it for long
The sky wells up with clouds today
Much like the eyes welled up with tears
Trying hard to restrict them...
But, then they find their way out through a heavy downpour,
In the presence of the one who understands, one who won't judge...
Just like these clouds got the support of the peaks and cliffs
To let their heart clear off the resentments, the emotions that they have held back for long!!
© AuthorPallabiGhoshal