

Shadow People
Cats meow in the alley, under a sky thats pitch black.
Moon nestled dimly yet it filters through every crack.

The rattling of a window sends shivers down your spine.
As the dark night lingers on and you loose all sense of time.

Consumed by every thought your nightmares come to life.
Haunting shadows on the walls that move from left to right.

Every blood cell fuelled with adrenaline, your muscles tense with fear.
Pupils flickering wildly as your heart beats inside your ears.

The shadows come ever closer how deliberately they creep.
The shadows you were warned about, instead you laughed then went to sleep.

They have been waiting in every corner, through the wind and in the meadows.
For you to come along so foolish and so shallow.

But now you understand as you lay there terrified.
That the shadow people are real, if only you opened your eyes.

© Jade