

Something Better
I finally met your “Married Man” -
no more than
an apparition until now.
Went to your office to
drop off presents for
a baby shower we were attending.
That's when I saw him sitting
in your car,
talking earnestly, arm around you.
I tried to reason with my emotions.
How could I hate someone
I didn't know?
You liked him and I loved you.
Parked across the street,
I was unsure of what to do.
Then I decided to meet
Married Man once and for all -
walked over to your car and rapped on
the window.
You looked ten shades of mortified,
rolled down the window with a whispered hello.
I handed you the bag of gifts
as you introduced me to
the person on your right.
I glared as he reached to shake my hand -
but shake it I did,
all the while sizing him up.
I guessed he worked in sales
with his brown suit and flashy tie -
Rick Nelson hair and gold-rimmed
aviator glasses.
Not bad looking - just “Married Man” looking
and not good enough for you.
“I'll wrap these,” you offered,
squeezing my arm.
I nodded and backed away,
unable to speak
or fake the slightest smile.
I wanted you to find love -
to be happy.
Wanted to make room for that person,
whoever it was, inside my heart.
We were friends in love - of that
there was no doubt.
But the risk was high
of losing so much -
a conclusion we reached
during many sleepless nights.
I only wished what we kicked aside
made way for something better.
I hoped someday it would.

© Laura DeHart Young