

It's Your Day....
Days flew very fast,
Wonderful moment yet to start.
Ticket paid in an amusement park,
Different rides gave me a shock.

Standing in a line, with lot in my mind,
Suddenly her smile,
Made to admire
looked fair in beautiful hair
Far from her place,
Loading her face- she
Blowing her smile without any guile.

Surprisingly we met in bus ride
chance to hold her hands, tight.
Became close to my heart
Never had chance to leave apart.

Many rides gave us fear of death
His(Jesus)word gave us new breath
A ride used to take distance walk
where we enjoyed our fun talk.

We got time to share our past.
Which were hidden so far in our heart,
Seemed both sailed same boat.
surprised we met in this life which is short.

Hand in hand emotion,
from a place to our destination.
Fun talks without mask
open heart and loud laugh

late home experiences,
many stage performances
Lunch break meals share,
with love and care.
Unerasable memories,
Stitched in our heart as leach.

More words to say,
Only few expressed in this May
Bond for two years
Lives in heart for all years.

Shine, your light has come
The darkness hide and run
your future plans are in his hands
Until you reach Beulah land.

Feeling pride to share about,
My surprise gift from above..

To my closest friend Lava 🥰

© Hephzibah lilly