

Tribute to my mother
Mountain, you carried me and without bending my back
Camel, you fed me with your own blood
Prophet, your wisdom defies the wear of time
Source, your elixir irrigated my roots.

The memory of the evils, waking you in the evenings
Reminds me of your patience of the years, where without wealth,
You made worries sources of joy
By your miraculous care, you took us out of the black holes.

We were not rich, but we became it
Thanks to your plans lights where the word is pillar
Of life, of the future, of the flame of paths
Very rich in knowledge, love and virtue.

On this day, when the fear of losing your shine
Twists my heart of hearts, breath and lungs,
I pray God to grant you health, forgiveness
Life so that your grace endures around me.
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