

e-pal lover(Chelsy)
The soul i love,truely is her love
Though never have eyes met nor my skin feel her touch
For only the sound and lovely tone of it
And the photos she sends
Spunky indeed obsessing my thoughts of love
And her stunning smile on her photos
The photos i ever live to smirk groking

love her promising texts in media
With romance from this known stranger
Leaving me with a swanking tittle of pleasure
"swain"(me)as I suggest I am for her
Not just her but beautiful silph you just have to agree with me
Committed with affection to me
Tiring me with lovely smiles on my sprogy face

My wife to be as I always tell
"Beloved husband" that never lucks in her texts
Sproging me with condescending names of animals
Animals I truely dove and deer
I love my e-pal lover.

© sossy