

beyond the stars the LIE that defines Who You Are part two
The eyes hide the truth, but the word speaks. Minds, the "Select Comfort manufactured" versus the old man, money is arbitrary "precious my child."

The life you seek is what you're told
The reaps are sold of bold glamor
The shadow of the star was social, but the anxiety was social distortion, the frequency a key
A black shadow of voices...the peritrophic matrix was the virus, the infection sprung like pain, but it wasn't T but double A...the energy you seek is draining two parts connected at a source one negative and one positive...

And electricity was the voices, two weeks of pain versus a lifetime of gain, it was a strain
Of choices and the Select Comfort manufactured are what you sold for the story that was old, It was told many times by many people, but your existence was a shadow a black key that was arbitrary In The Mystery of Life.

The social flair eyes that supposedly care
But when I stare, I see the fear, I see the Forgotten,I see the Lost mind, I see The Shadow of Your Earth, I see the double A draining completely into a void of Social Distortion and your eyes hide the truth but your words speak
m i n d s...... as a precious child.

beyond the stars lie defines Who You Are.....

© @David_vs_a_word