

The Cycle
Wooaaah!!! What serenity
Ahhh!!! What spontaneity

Up I go as I soar through the Cosmos;
Down I plunge into the depths of my being for keys...

The keys to understand
The expansivity of this program;
The program called life...

The life that brings strife
As well as highs

The ups and downs; each have their impacts...
The ebb and flow brings their lessons

The quiet mind sees and deciphers mysteries;
The rowdy mind is with the many thus living for the treaties

A cycle that includes the many
But must be lived as the One

Intelligence surrounds man
But he must stop seeing other creations as just farms
So he can curb 89% of his quarms

Free will he become
When he ditches illusory fun
And dance to the Soul's songs
© Lürd_Päììn

#programming #lifelesson #lifestyle #mindset #Mind #Live&Learn #learn #lesson