

Trying All The Time
Trying all the time
Not to fuck it up.
But I will,
We will,
It's just what we do.
I'm sure you know
What the hell I'm saying...

I apologize for being so
Right now but
When I've been up for
A few days in a row
Without no sleep,
That's just how I get.
Fuckin deal with it.

The cops came to the park
Earlier this afternoon.
They didnt do nothing tho.
I was sitting on the bench,
Smoking foil and talking
To Diane who I noticed
Has really nice legs and
A nice ass too.

And I suddenly just wanna
Tell her what I'm thinking...
That I'm picturing her naked
And I wanna fuck but
Theres alot of people here
In this park and
It's only like just
A bit after Noon, and
Theres that fuckin cop too...
He ain't doin shit tho,
Like I said already and

That's pretty much
How it was at
The park today...
Fuckin Diane tho...


© N. Heddings