

Poor & yet Rich

Poor & yet Rich ...

In the shadows of the city lights,
Where the stars are faint and the air is tight,
Lives a soul so poor, so destitute,
Yet with a heart so rich, so resolute.

For in the midst of his poverty,
He finds treasures beyond commodity,
A joy that money can't afford,
A peace that cannot be ignored.

With each passing day and every new night,
He revels in the beauty of life's delights,
The warmth of the sun, the coolness of rain,
The chirping of birds, the rustling of grain.

He sees the world with a different view,
One that's free from the shallow pursuit.
Of material gains and selfish desire,
And instead, finds solace in what's much higher.

For wealth, he knows, is not just in gold,
But in love and kindness that we behold,
In the beauty of a sunset sky,
And in the compassion that we supply.

So though he may have no wealth to show,
His heart is rich, and his spirit aglow,
For he has found a treasure that's so great and rare,
And in that, he finds joy beyond compare.
© Blue Whale Media for Life....