

Go On~
The patchy grass streaks around this apartment complex
Sidewalk jutting out, corners filled with loose cement, mud, and weeds

Parent and child will still walk along semi-merrily
The kid skipping, tracking mud
Mother deadpan on her phone with an occasional glance at the child she treasures; holding hands

The wet, gloomy air carriers the sweeter side of bland in terms of aesthetic
The chill breeze is just enough to give goosebumps, but still won't freeze the skin

We're all tired,
We're all happy,
We're all dead, dying, or of the like

Dry eyes will wetten if blinked enough
Throats will clear with a hardy cough
Wavering feet get stepped on,
So widen your eyes and smile

Step forward,
you can clean your shoes when you get home.

© Marah Schneider