

Do you really know?
Do you know,
do you know that it's about you
that I'm talking?
Do you know,
Do you know that it's you
the only one i love?
Do you know,
Do you know that you are the one
I feel everywhere I go even though
you're never present?
Do you know,
Do you know that you are the mysterious person behind my words and my feelings?
Ô if you knew it !
I would love to tell you...
I feel the strong and invisible barrier between us!
Ô if you knew it!
Do you really know?
Do you know that our love is eternal?
I can your feel your sadness and your sorrow
I can feel your confusion and your wrath
But do you really know?
Do you know that I came again to life
for you ?
Do you know that i overcome the death
for your life?
And moreover, can you understand this ?
Can you understand my heart and to know...?
Ô I'd like you to know,
but i wonder...
Do you really know?

© M.Daniel