

In the streets of Port Harcourt, where the sun ☀️ shines
There's a rhythm that pulses, a divine beat
It's the sound of the city, the heartbeat of the town
A fusion of cultures, a spirit that wears no frown

Joro, oh Joro, the drums call your name
A symphony of movement, a dance that's not tamed
With every step, a story is told, a history revealed
Of strength and resilience, of a people who've concealed

Their struggles and triumphs, their joys and their fears
All woven into the fabric of their laughter and tears
Joro, oh Joro, the music never fades
A celebration of life, in every single shade

So let the drums beat loud, let the dancing begin
For in the rhythm of Joro, our spirits take flight within.
#dance #nigeria #rythm
© providence