

Him and Her
He has always been here,

She was created,

He is everything I am,

She is everything everyone wants me to be,

He is my dreams,

She is a harsh reality,

But he is not fake.

He is as real as the sky is blue.

As real as the Earth is round.

Even if people might say otherwise,

Even if people say he isn't real,

Even if people only see her and not him.

He is still there.

He might be far in the stars,

Only existing in a place that seems out of reach to others,

But he is in reach,

Because he is me,

And I am him.

I am not her,

A girl who has long hair and pretty clothes,

A daughter and a sister,

A girlfriend and a wanna be mother.

But I am him,

A boy who has short hair and baggy jeans,

A son and a brother,

A boyfriend and a wanna be father.

But to many he is still her,

He is a phase,

He is a girl who wants to hide in a shadow.

Sometimes I wish he wasn't real,

That he was her,

But then I wouldn't be me.

I'd be living a lie like I had done for years because I was scared,

Scared of being thrown away,

Of being hurt and in some cases I was.

But I am him and not her.

That will not change.

He is my whole existence,

He is a writer,

He is a man with a unique body,

He is my title that I wear proudly,

Even when she tries to overshadow him,

But she is the one who is not real.

She might have been my title once,

But she no longer is.

She is in the past,

He is in the now.

He is me and I am him.