

Do you still love me?
Do you still love me? He wanted to know
I looked at him and sat with my thoughts
Surprisingly, my thoughts had found their lost tongue
Earlier they spoke the language of love
Now they were fluent in pain
They smiled at me aware that I spoke their language
Strange that I hated love but loved pain
Now, wasn't I adept in speaking three languages,
Hate, love and pain?
I picked up the pen to pen pain
I had to write in the languages I knew best
I wrote and love flowed with pain
I was in love with love
I wrote my heart out
I had finally learnt to write in the languages the heart knew
Love tainted with the sombre colors of pain flew from my heart onto the paper
The heavy, sleep deprived eyes closed the window to tears
They led me to the world of dreams
Dreams, that knew only one language
The language of romantic love in the arms of erotic intimacy
I have now made my home there
His words 'do you still love me?' recede to the background
He enters me, enters my dreamy world with me
My eyes refuse to perceive reality
The lids kiss one another in heartbreaking intimacy.
© nobody