

Little Village Mart
When I went
To the little Village Mart
Happy and hopping
Behind my Pop
Preparing since
The very morning point
With a tide in the heart
To ride in the cart
With a dream to eat
Veg and non-veg dishes ,
Having reached there ,
A lot of fishes .

When I crossed in the river
On a Mile's walk in sand ,
Unhelped to carry me
From my tiredness rained ,
In a bitter silence
That was rent by cool breeze
Above the vines and the creeps Below the scorching rays ;
When I quenched my thirst
With a crystal water glaze
And Soothed my legs
Having set in the water
But waving on the heels
To catch the cool shiver .

On catched muddy bank
My Pop as a precedor
And me as a follower
When sat beneath a tree
And during hours of journey
Only a pedestrian or two
Or a bike rider did
Pass harsh sound of Jingle
With a sound stick mingle'
Of the black old man
That dug our attention .

Then I used to often
Gnaw the cucumber
Plucked from the same
Serpentine creeper
Either on dissension
Or on his accordance
Of the field owning farmer
That fronted us by chance .

And then I reached the market ,
Did my work :
Some shopping and talking ;
Then I used to go
With a purpose
That I will see
Some people and commodity ;
That I will talk
To some identity
Walking with slow steps
On the grassless passage
Whitened by repeated thrusts.

He talked to us and
We talked to him back
For none were there
To talk as a Jack ,
Then I came
In the evening very tired ;
Ate and slept
Soon in badly attired ,
For dishes were tasty
& the sleep was soothing
In the lap of peace
We kissed the night .

But Today !
The roll of time
Entertains a caravan
Of travellers on route
Rushing in the air
The sound of the boot ;
The creepers are not
Seen in the sand ;
The river is dry ,
The bridges do cry
"O Jill , Aye , come !
Come and come ,
Don't jump in water ."
Cycling is gone ;
Then toil is not there,
And also is no calm .

So , Aye, corona !
I am happy  to embrace you
You come to find
A serene life ,
Freshness in air
And coldness in water;
You are the way due
For distortion of humanity !

© Copyright. on 9 / 4 / 2020

Note: Abridged punctuation to enrich the potency of the Poem.

© Krishnakinkar Bhaktisarowar Tylent