

The Hem Of His Robe
The Hem Of His Robe

As this women tried to move through the crowd that day
To reach Jesus because she was sick for so long
She knew if she could just touch Him
He'd heal her and make her strong

So as she was trying to reach Him
The crowd just pushed her away
They were hoping to see Jesus too
To be healed of their affliction that day

This poor woman had suffered through the disease
Most of her life and no way out
She felt strongly about the miracles Jesus performed
She trusted Him without a doubt

The crowd got larger and there was no way through
But she wasn't going to give up now
She knew her faith Jesus would know
And He would surely make her well

She then dropped to her knees crawling through the crowd
Like she was determined to do
Anything to reach her Lord
She wasn't backing down she knew

She was close to Him she could see
So there was only one thing she wanted Jesus to do
She reached out her hand and touched the hem of His robe
And she was healed that moment she knew!